Ants have become, unfortunately, a common household pest. They like to invade homes in search of warmth, especially in the winter months. They tend to form colonies around kitchen and bathroom plumbing, where they have ready access to water.
Ants can also bring with them asthma and allergic reactions. They establish nests in some of the most inaccessible parts of your home, such as voids between walls. They have been proven to cause respiratory allegoric reactions in more sensitive people.
An ounce of prevention, in this case, is certainly worth a pound of cure. You should check for gaps in your doors, windows, and pipe and seal them with caulk and weather stripping. Examine your roof, and see if any points of ingress exist there, as well.
If you have you noticed any ant infestations, call on us today and let’s terminate them!
Bed bugs are nocturnal, which is why they generally wait until you are asleep in your bed before pouncing. Bed bugs are annoying as opposed to a serious health hazard. These pests bite whatever host is nearby, sucking blood for nourishment. This leaves behind red bumps that can get itchy. Mild treatments are available to stop the itching, but other problems can come up with bed bugs if you are not careful.
Some people have mild to extreme reactions to getting bitten by bed bugs. It causes irritation any time of the day or night. You may wake up in the middle of the night to scratch the affected areas. This leads to a lack of sleep, which has been linked to a variety of health issues, including depression, irritability, loss of appetite, anxiety, difficulty focusing and psychosis in extreme cases.
If you are allergic to bed bugs, then you need to seek the attention of Banish Pest Management.
Some species of bee pose potential health threats to humans. In fact, having a stinger is a built-in defense mechanism designed so each stinging insect can help protect the nest, the colony or itself when threatened.
People with known allergies to insect stings or with asthma should be particularly careful. Stings or the venom injected by a stinger could trigger a potentially life-threatening reaction, although such reactions are rare. A common myth is that a bee or wasp can only sting once and then it dies. This is only true for some species of stinging insects, not all, so if you’re being threatened by bee, call on us and we’ll be ready to help out.
Cockroaches are some of the most persistent and annoying pests that exist, showing up even in a clean house. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Services, roaches bring with them a number of health hazards, especially for people with allergies.
Cockroach bodies, droppings and saliva contain allergens that can be particularly troubling to people with allergies or who have asthma. They are also germ-bearing pests that leave behind an offensive odor and can cause respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. You need Banish Pest Management to use our specialized measures to control cockroaches.
Crickets do not pose any health threats to humans, but they can become a nuisance if they gain entry to the home. Some species have been known to damage clothing and other fabrics like curtains. They typically feed on the surface of these fabrics, pulling the fibers loose while eating. You should keep crawl spaces, basements and attics well ventilated, and store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house. Additionally, all possible points of entry around the house should be sealed.
You need Banish Pest Management to control the intensity of crickets. We reduce areas of moisture in and around your home, a dehumidifier is recommended to prevent moisture build up indoors.
Mosquitoes are some of the most annoying creatures on the planet. They seem to delight in alighting on any exposed skin, penetrating it with their tubular mouth organs, and drawing blood for sustenance, leaving behind angry welts and itchiness that can be maddening. However, mosquitoes can also transmit serious and sometimes deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue, and that disease that has been in the news recently, the Zika virus.
If you live in an area where mosquito have become a problem, you take precautions against catching any of ailments from mosquitoes bite. Contact us today and let’s keep you safe!